<p>How your thoughts, beliefs, knowings and attitudes affect your life in both conscious and unconscious ways. As we become conscious of how these work, and how we created them we can change them and create new realities for ourselves. (86 pages)</p> <p>Michael Cavallaro’s life work has been finding ways for people to integrate their spiritual nature with their everyday lives. For almost 40 years, through classes, workshops, lectures, books, audios, articles and private consultations he has helped thousands of people lead healthier, happier lives by finding practical solutions to various challenges.</p> <p>Though he is an international speaker, his true gift is expressing what each person knows within their own heart but never fully admits. He sheds on what’s not working so each can let their own light shine.</p> <p> </p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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